Tuesday, March 22, 2011

SSH Port Forwarding

Every now and then I want to access my home computer, so I happily use SSH port forwarding.

There are tons of resources out there, but here's my simple guide.

  1. set up ssh tunnel (this one does both a socks proxy on 8088 and tunnels localhost VNC)
    1. ssh -D 8088 -L 5900:localhost:5900 username@machinename.com
    2. if you don't want a shell throw -N in there, although I don't really get the point for the most part.
  2. set up foxy proxy for firefox
    1. make a new proxy localhost:8088
    2. make sure it's set to "SOCKS" which is a bizarrely unchecked check box even when you nominate socks5
    3. use proxy for all traffic (obviously you can be a lot more sophisticated than this)

That's it!

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